Let's break the ice... or (a.ice...)

I've often said that the quality of your productivity is more than likely dictated by the quality of your questions (something I picked up from Tony Robbins who I originally heard talking about the quality of your life being related to the quality of your questions).

At the times I’ve said it, it’s been more to do with the art of journaling.

But who would have thought we’d live in an age where the quality of our questions to a tool like ChatGPT might actually make us more productive?

So the premise of this newsletter is simple.

One prompt per day each weekday (maybe with the exception of public holidays) that’s useful or productive, time or money-saving.

Or if not a prompt I’m keeping a list of tools that I have tested and found impressive and useful (and/or time-saving or money-saving).

We’re going to keep it super simple so that if you have a moment, you can give the prompt or tool a go (ie implement!) and let me know in the comments how it works for you.

For real estate professionals

What I post here will primarily be for real estate agents - which is where my day job is with Elite Agent.

And mostly, prompts will be based around ChatGPT, but you never know - when it’s released, we might begin talking to Bard by Google.

And we may delve into MidJourney/Image prompts every now and then.

As of the time of writing, ChatGPT is version 3.5 - and is still currently free but you can upgrade to a $20 per month plan to make sure you get more guaranteed access, along with early access to version 4.0.

Today’s prompt of the day

I’m going to start easy with the first one and this one will save you time on your listing descriptions. And we might build on this over the next few days.


  • I’ve found providing a word limit to ChatGPT is usually a good thing!

  • Replace the ‘nn’ with the number of bedrooms

  • Replace the address with the real address. Bonus points if you can put a few more features in via some dot points (like this!)

  • Replace ‘home’ with alternate dwelling type - ie, if it’s a three-bed apartment put in ‘3 bedroom apartment’


or to participate.