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Do we need yet another subscription?.... time will likely tell!

Adobe’s AI Assistant, which allows you to chat to a PDF, has been in Beta for about a month, so I thought today I would test it against ChatGPT 4 and Claude 3.

My expectations: High.

This is because ChatGPT and Claude et al. could be considered the "GPs of Large Language Models;” they are tools that can do multiple things, such as analysing text and images and writing code, all without needing to open an extra window.

However, Adobe’s AI assistant within Acrobat should be super good because that is all it does (for the moment, anyway).

I’ve heard various rumours that in the future, it will be able to combine parts of documents, read across documents, and more - which could be a huge timesaver if part of your daily life involves wading through large amounts of information or paperwork or real estate legislation…

One drawback before diving in is that I can see Adobe Acrobat’s AI Assistant is not free - unless you have Adobe Acrobat Professional or Teams who might have it included, but then again may not!

At the moment, if you want to test yourself, it comes with a free 14-day trial, which was the option I chose.

Here’s my quick comparison between the tools:

As is the case with most of my videos, this is my first look at the tool and my unfiltered initial reaction to it.

But watching the video back, I feel like I missed a couple of things:

  1. Claude 3 has seriously impressed me again with its understanding of what was being asked and the answers coming back.

    For example:

    National home values rose 1.3% over the last quarter and are up 8.9% over the past 12 months. This shows the housing market is continuing to appreciate steadily.

    The most affordable 25% of the market is seeing the fastest price growth at 2.4% over the quarter. This suggests entry-level homes are in high demand.

    Properties are taking a bit longer to sell compared to late 2023, with the median days on market at 38 days in February compared to a recent low of 24 days in November. However, vendor discounting remains low at -3.8%, only slightly higher than -3.6% in November. This indicates that while homes are taking a bit longer to sell, prices are holding relatively firm.

    Those little bits I have ‘bolded’ on the end show a nice understanding of what I was looking for with the prompt I had given - better than ChatGPT’s or Adobe’s AI Assistant.

  2. I completely missed the obvious use case for the Adobe AI assistant, which may be a prompt that goes something like this:

I’m a real estate agent on the gold coast. I’d like to send this report to my clients, could you please write me a simple covering email with links to pages and graphs that might interesting to them - giving them the benefits of knowing this information.

The answer from Adobe’s AI Assistant didn’t wow me - it’s overly long, but maybe this use case would work better with a less detailed report—and obviously with a bit more massaging.

It also completely missed my instruction regarding the page numbers, but it is a Beta version…here’s the result:

Subject: Monthly Housing Chart Pack - Unlocking Smarter Property Decisions ​

Dear [Client's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. As your trusted real estate agent on the Gold Coast, I wanted to share with you the latest Monthly Housing Chart Pack, which provides valuable insights into the current state of the Australian property market. ​ This report, compiled by CoreLogic, will help you make smarter property decisions and stay informed about the trends and developments in the industry.

Here is a brief overview of the key findings from the report:

  1. Residential Real Estate Underpins Australia's Wealth: ​

    1. Residential real estate is valued at $10.4 trillion, making it a significant contributor to Australia's wealth. ​

    2. Housing accounts for 56.7% of household wealth, highlighting its importance in the investment portfolio. ​

  2. Australian Dwelling Values: ​​

    1. The pace of quarterly national home value growth accelerated to 1.3% over the three months to February. ​

    2. The annual growth trend also increased to 8.9% over the past 12 months, the highest since FY 2021-22. ​

  3. Housing Cycles:

    1. Different capital cities are experiencing varying trends in dwelling values. ​

    2. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Darwin, and Canberra are analyzed individually, providing insights into their respective housing cycles. ​

  4. Sales and Listings: ​

    1. The rolling annual count of national sales exceeded 500,000 for the first time since December 2022. ​

    2. Annual sales activity across the combined capitals was up 6.0% compared to the previous year. ​

  5. Rental Market:

    1. The monthly rate of national rental growth increased by 0.9% in February. ​

    2. The annual growth trend accelerated to 8.5% over the year to February. ​​

  6. Dwelling Approvals and Housing Credit: ​

    1. Monthly dwelling approvals fell by -1.0% in January, with a decline in house approvals and a rise in unit approvals. ​

    2. The value of new housing finance commitments dropped by -4.1% in January. ​

  7. First Home Buyers: ​​

    1. The value of first-home buyer finance fell by -6.0% in January, but first-home buyers comprised 28.3% of new owner-occupier finance. ​

I encourage you to explore the full report, which includes detailed charts and insights on each topic. You can access the report by clicking on the following link: [Insert Link to the Monthly Housing Chart Pack]. ​

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how these market trends may impact your real estate goals, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here to provide you with personalized advice and guidance.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. I look forward to assisting you with all your real estate needs.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

As with most of these AI tools, I am excited to see how Adobe develops Acrobat chat over the next 12 months.

Happy Hunting 🚀


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