You've got AI, but what now?

you’ve got the tools, now let’s put them to work...🚀

Hey Hey!

I’ve long been a fan of Tom Fishburne’s Marketoonist, who somehow seems to capture the ironies of modern marketing better than your average a Mad Men gif (so that’s pretty good, right?)

I feel like his graphic pretty much sums up how many people in the industry feel about AI right now—that it has the potential to free up time but also to create a few issues, and who wants those?

But that might lead us to rationalise not doing anything… and that’s not ideal either.

The high cost of inaction

The cost of inaction is rising because the cost of action is falling.

Today, whether you're a small real estate business owner or a Fortune 500 CEO, you have access to powerful tools for little or next to nothing that were unimaginable just a few years ago.

Unfortunately, this accessibility makes it easier to rationalise not doing anything extra.

After all, why push yourself when you’re otherwise busy—AND you already have cutting-edge technology at your fingertips that you could dive into at any time?

The irony is that while it's tempting to stick with familiar technology, it's also easier than ever to innovate and push boundaries. Today's tools make almost anything possible, even for the non-tech savvy.

So doing nothing is not an option.

So, how does this impact business in general?

The real estate industry is changing, but it's not about robots taking over - (although this one that can apparently do the dishes and fold the laundry does hold some appeal.)

I’ve always said it about smart agents using smart tools to solve real problems and free up time for what matters—building relationships and closing deals.

Some agents are embracing that, which is great.

However, the inspiration for the opening pic was Kate Seymour, a marketing director at CMYK. She said…

While we recognise the vast potential AI holds for enhancing our own marketing strategies and improving the services we offer our clients, we also acknowledge the importance of preserving the human touch.

So today we’re adding to the list of resources on this blog with an AI

So, if you are curious about how AI can enhance your real estate business but you’re unsure where to start, you can take our scorecard here.

This scorecard will give you a personalised report to help you discover how to

  • Approach AI strategically,

  • Implement it operationally,

  • Learn where your compliance and risk gaps are

Happy Hunting 🚀

PS Understanding your current position in AI adoption isn't just about seizing opportunities—it's about future-proofing your business. This scorecard will help you identify potential risks and gaps, allowing you to address them proactively (rather than reactively!)

PPS… If you’re enjoying AI Powered Agents, will you take 6 seconds to refer this edition to a friend? It goes a long way in helping us grow the newsletter (and bringing more real estate resources into the world).


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