Write an entire eBook as a lead magnet

Here's how to get longer jobs in ChatGPT done more efficiently

Two weeks ago we kicked off the digital version of my AI Powered Agents workshop, updated and reimagined.

This week, we took a deep dive into Module 2 of my ‘SPEED’ model called Power Prompting, which contains all sorts of ways to ditch those frustratingly vague AI responses and quickly get to the outputs you want.

One of the techniques we examined on Tuesday is the “Break it down” method of prompting - i.e. breaking down large jobs for ChatGPT into smaller, more manageable jobs.

This is because ChatGPT can go off on a bunch of tangents if you make it bite off more than it can chew (well) in one go - For example, “write a 1500-word eBook on selling my home.”

This “Break it down” technique can be used in many things in real estate - for example, writing onboarding documents, writing policies and procedures, writing job descriptions and more.

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