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  • The ultimate guide to levelling up your communication skills with AI

The ultimate guide to levelling up your communication skills with AI

đź’ˇ unlock AI-powered persuasion...

This week I wrote an educational email series for our subscribers over on eliteagent.com about levelling up communication with AI.

Whether you are a beginner with AI (Level 1) or more advanced (Level 3) we can all learn to be communicators.

And… as the industry becomes more competitive (and undoubtedly automated), your ability to connect with clients, negotiate effectively, and personalise your approach is super important.

Once I finished writing this series, I realised that putting the series together would be a bit like a mini-course in communicating with AI. This is just one of the topics we cover in the AI-Powered Agents virtual course and the new workshop series that has just been announced.

If you haven’t taken a course with me yet, there has never been a better time—the speed of AI change and adoption is only accelerating. The real estate industry is at an AI tipping point… in a few years, there will be two types of agents: those who mastered AI and I’m thinking those who wish they had.

If you have done a course with me before, there is an OG discount that you should take advantage of to keep your skills up to date (hit reply and ask me for it!)

We will be opening the cart to the general audience tomorrow. If you haven’t already, you now have the opportunity to make good use of the FIRST20 coupon code. This code is limited to 20 uses and provides a $200 discount. In the virtual, there is a limit of 50 places.

I’m unsure when I will take on this big a tour in Australia again, so don’t miss this opportunity to transform how you work, reclaim your time, and become the 'Elite Agent' you were always meant to be heading into 2025. Click here to secure your spot now.

Table of Contents

Meanwhile, here is that crash course - From boosting your emotional intelligence to channeling expert negotiators and crafting hyper-personalised interactions, you'll discover how AI can be your secret weapon in building stronger relationships, closing more deals, and catapulting your real estate career to new heights.

LEVEL 1: How to communicate with a high EQ

When I first jumped into the vibrant world of real estate, one mantra reigned supreme: 'location, location, location.'

Yet, as the industry evolved, a new success formula emerged, one that had the power to redefine our approach completely: communication, communication, communication.

Successful transactions hinged not just on location but on strong personal connections.

The better you can communicate, the more trust and relationships you build, ultimately leading to more business opportunities.

Makes sense, right?

But don't we all have that one friend in real estate who seems endlessly charismatic? Everyone seems to like them; they are the centre of attention, extroverted without being 'extra', and meeting new people seems effortless.

My Uncle, now 70 and retired, was a successful real estate agent with what's often called the 'gift of the gab.' While I'm not much of a fan of the expression for its slick connotations, there's no denying his ability to connect with people was a significant asset in his career.

The old myth was that to succeed in real estate, you had to be a 'smooth talker.'

However, in today's landscape, effective communication hinges on having a high emotional quotient (EQ).

It's not about charming words; it's about understanding and empathising with clients' needs and emotions to form genuine connections and build trust.

But what if you aren't naturally gifted with a high EQ? Can you develop this important skill?

The good news is, with AI as your wingman, the answer is a resounding yes.

Imagine having:

  • These are the perfect words for every situation, without overthinking or overediting everything

  • Empathetic responses to client concerns, even when you're feeling a bit frazzled

  • Tailored, compelling messages that resonate with each unique client

With AI assistance, you can enhance your communication skills and form stronger relationships, regardless of your natural EQ. AI tools like ChatGPT can coach you through client interactions, helping you respond with empathy and precision.

Need help crafting an email or handling a phone conversation? Simply ask ChatGPT. For example, you can use a prompt like:

'Please help me respond to this [email/phone query] with high EQ?' [paste email or other content]

🛑 Remember to remove any personal data before pasting the email content 🛑

AI isn't just a tool for the tech-savvy or those with high IQs. It's an equaliser, empowering agents to enhance their capabilities, forge stronger client connections, and achieve better outcomes.

LEVEL 2: Call in the experts

What if you could tap into the negotiation skills of a master like Chris Voss at any time, any hour of the day, to close more deals?

Well, today, I'm letting you in on a little secret that most agents don't know: you can actually "prime" AI to work even better for you.

Think of priming as giving AI a crash course in yours or someone else’s expertise. It's like hiring a new assistant and telling them, "Here's how we do things around here."

When you prime an AI like ChatGPT, you tailor its responses to your specific needs and style.

But it gets even better than that. Most large language models, like ChatGPT, have the expertise we can only dream of built right into them, ready for you to use in ways we could only previously dream of.

Unlock your superpowers

I've discovered a way to combine the negotiation theories of experts like Chris Voss with the power of ChatGPT. The result? A tailored response that can turn a potential client's "no" into a "yes." I've created a step-by-step video guide that shows you exactly how to do it.

Imagine having someone like master negotiator Chris Voss whisper in your ear, telling you exactly what to say to close the deal.

In this video, I demonstrate how to combine the negotiation skills of experts like Voss to craft the perfect response to a potential client who's about to choose another agent.

Trust me, what you'll learn in this video could be the difference between losing a listing and being able to turn the situation around.

By mastering this technique using the exact prompts I show you in the video, you'll be able to:

  • Craft more persuasive and tailored communications that increase your chances of closing deals

  • Handle objections with finesse and confidence

  • Stand out from other agents who aren't leveraging AI in this way.

Watch the video and start priming your AI assistant today. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen… you turn at least one more “no” into a “yes…”

If you want a PM example of how this works, check out this clip from my presentation at AREC 2024.

LEVEL 3: Extreme Personalisation

Have you ever left a listing presentation feeling frustrated, misunderstood, or confused?

You're not alone.

I still remember a day early in my career at British Telecom when I blew a multi-million dollar deal by nerding out and talking too much.

I was so caught up in my own enthusiasm for the solution I had designed that I failed to notice the client’s subtle cues and her need to discuss return on investment. Before I knew it, I had been bundled out of the boardroom of their very nice city offices.

I knew I had a great solution that would save her company money - and it was going to meet my sales target for the whole year (and then some!), but as soon as I got out of the lift, I knew it was gone. I felt like the decision-maker hated me.

I was devastated, but it was a great learning experience.

Effective communication is not just about talking, but about listening, adapting, and resonating with others on their terms.

You might think you're already a pro at pitching to clients, and your listing presentation is solid.

One size does not fit all in the age of AI

But here's the thing: we're living in the age of AI, and some savvy agents are already tailoring their communications to clients using an AI tool called Crystal Knows.

Let me give you a quick example:

I looked up my friend Fiona Blayney - who you probably all know - on Crystal, and here's what it suggested about communicating with Fi:

Here’s a summary:

  • Appeal to her feelings to drive her to action

  • Tell a vivid, engaging anecdote

  • Write with short, casual language and abbreviations

  • Use interesting graphics

Now, imagine having this kind of insight for every client, prospect, or colleague you interact with, even the ones you’ve never met before.

Game-changing, right?

Now, let's add some speed and scale…

When you combine Crystal Knows with ChatGPT, get the smarts and speed of two x AIs combined.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Analyse your contact's communication style using Crystal

  • Ask ChatGPT something like: "I've done an analysis of my client's communication style. The recommendations are as follows: [paste Crystal's insights]. Could you please rewrite this [email/script/proposal] with these recommendations in mind?"

  • Then watch ChatGPT transform your message into one that speaks directly to your contact's preferred style

By using Crystal Knows and ChatGPT to research and prepare for your next listing presentation, you'll be better equipped to:

  • Make a great first impression, increasing the chances of winning the listing

  • Tailor your pitch to the client's needs, increasing the chances of closing the deal

  • Handle objections with confidence, reducing the risk of losing the sale

  • Transition smoothly to signing an agency agreement, securing the deal and growing your business

Now, I know what you're thinking – “How does Crystal know?”

Crystal uses publicly available information from reviews, Linkedin, Google, Facebook and Blog Posts.

See Crystal Knows in action by checking out my video snippet here.

That’s it. Let me know how you go!

Happy Hunting 🚀

PS At the VIP level of the course, we will go to Level 4 and build everyone their own personal customised coach bot.

What’s that, you ask?

Imagine an AI advisor specifically tailored to you and your business who can improve client interactions and conversions, role-play complex negotiations, explore ideas and challenges without judgment, provide marketing advice based on your personality and strengths, and much more… yes, it is, as they say, a game-changer! Register here.


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