The privilege known as feedback

“I want you to know, I value each of your opinions, even when you’re wrong.” - Ted Lasso

In my experience, feedback is one of the hardest things in the workplace, whether you are giving it or receiving it.

I used to fear feedback (I think sometimes I still do) because, you know, we all want to be liked.

For me (and lots of other creatives) - when someone says they don’t like what you do or what you’ve done, they might as well just tell you they hate you and be done with it… (extreme, I know, but you only have to watch Masterchef and pay close attention to the contestant’s faces when they’ve put their heart on a plate and a judge tells them it’s a fail to understand what I mean…)

A great gift for me over the years has been The Elevate Podcast, particularly a series called The Leadership Diaries (yes, the book is coming, I swear).

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of listening to a lot of advice from some really great leaders, and one that made me change my mind about the idea of feedback was an interview in the early days with Kate Strickland - a top Melbourne agent.

She made the suggestion that if someone gives you feedback, even if it’s negative, it’s because they see the potential.

“I think sometimes when you get knocked around, or someone gives you feedback or guidance…It’s because they care! So they’re seeing potential in you, and they’re wanting to invest their time and knowledge in you, that’s a privilege.” - Kate Strickland

She also suggested that if someone didn’t care, they would probably say nothing. 

I’ve mulled that idea over for a few years now, so it’s your turn to ponder: If someone has had a wow or an awful experience, they will tell you, loudly. If someone has had a ‘meh’ experience, they will just say nothing, move on, and you’ll be none the wiser with no opportunity to get better.

But this is a blog about ChatGPT and real estate, and this week I feel like we might try using ChatGPT as a coach in a few different ways, starting with the idea of designing a 360 feedback process.

Today’s Prompt of the Day

If you really want to figure out where you can make improvements, personally and professionally, you should ideally gather feedback from multiple sources.

This might include your manager, your team members, peers in the office, and sometimes even customers - (so tenants and buyers as well as investors and sellers, OK!).

For true 360 feedback, you might even do a self-assessment too.

If you want a starting point on this, ChatGPT can help:

I own/manage a real estate business that has sales and property management departments. Could you please design a 360-degree feedback process for me to gather insights from colleagues, supervisors, and team members, helping me identify areas for improvement and strengthen my professional skills as a real estate business leader?

I won’t paste ChatGPT’s whole response here - but you can click on my chat link here and see how detailed it is for yourself.

On some of the items, you can then deeper; ChatGPT suggests that I should choose a digital platform for feedback collection and to ensure anonymity - and you’ll see that I’ve asked more questions to find out what platforms might be suitable (that is if you don’t already have something that works in your office!)

Finally, these days it’s easy to create a process, and collect the info, but remember: Feedback is only a gift if you do something with it!

Happy Hunting 🚀

PS If you have any feedback from me or something you’d like to see on AI-powered agents, please let me know!


or to participate.