The heat is on (and you might want to write about it)

El Niño is here and depending on your location it might be an important topic for your client newsletter.

This week, the news has all been about budgets, Dan Andrews’ Housing statement, and of course… the weather.

Seeing as I’d rather not talk about politics on this blog, let’s talk about the latter.

El Niño has been declared in Australia, so after years of rain, it’s likely to be a hot and dry summer. And that can impact the property market.

As I write this, it’s not even Summer yet, and there have already been bushfires earlier this week in The Hunter, and there are some burning in Qld as we speak.

Today’s Prompt of the Day

While nobody wants to be all “Chicken Little” or “the sky is falling” too soon, appropriately worded newsletter piece(s) to both your tenants and your landlords might be a timely service touchpoint.

Remember, ChatGPT is always your first draft, and here is how I would kick things off:

I'm a real estate agent. I want to write an informative blog post for my newsletter about Australia recently declaring El Nino to my tenants with the goal of arming them with knowledge and strategies over the summer season in the event of a bushfire. Can you help with that - and please ask any questions you need to make this piece as useful and practical as possible. Please use a professional tone.

I found that with this prompt, ChatGPT had some questions which improved the final outcome - but it’s not a final - as a PM, I would still want to add my own flavour. If you’d like to, you can continue my conversation here.

Here’s a second prompt for your investors on your database. (If you generally want to write to your sphere of influence or farm area, change the target audience building block to homeowners instead of landlords.)

I'm a real estate agent. I want to write an informative blog post for my newsletter about Australia recently declaring El Nino to my landlords with the goal of arming them with knowledge and strategies over the summer season in the event of a bushfire. Can you help with that - and please ask any questions you need to make this piece as useful and practical as possible. Please use a professional tone.

The result I got for this one is actually a prime example of how ChatGPT can respond in one way at one time, and then respond in a completely different way with an almost identical prompt. If you’d like to, you can continue my conversation here.

Happy Hunting 🚀

PS I am adding more value to our paid subscribers in the morning; stay tuned for an announcement!


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