The eyes have it

The simplest form of human connection – eye contact – often has the most profound impact." – Michaela Chung

You've always thrived in face-to-face conversations, easily connecting with people by looking into their eyes.

But often, as you sit in front of the camera preparing for that market update video, you're faced with a dilemma.

The camera's unblinking eye stares at you, demanding your attention.

Your notes are off to the side.

But glancing to and fro from your notes to the camera disrupts that crucial "eye contact" with your audience, even if you can’t see them at the moment you press record.

In my 10 years or so of creating video, I have tried all sorts of things, eg teleprompters, post-it notes at the camera level, and the hard work version of all of this - memorising things by rote.

So, this week has been all about tools, I thought we might end it with my favourite AI tool, which got a seriously cool new feature this week.

Today’s Tool of the Day

The tool is Descript and I’ve used it pretty much since the day it was born - pre-2020 I’m pretty sure.

Over the years, we’ve used it for all sorts of things - editing both podcasts and videos, distributing Zoom replays and more.

The nice thing about Descript is you can edit audio or video like a Google Document - simply by cutting and pasting text (which, if you’re not an experienced editor, is a darn sight easier than learning how to use the razor tool in something like Adobe Premiere Pro.)

And Descript can do so much more than removing all your umms and ahhs and filler words these days.

I didn’t think life could get any better than when they added a one-click Studio Sound button to fix dodgy audio.

But recently they’ve released this new AI feature called Eye Contact, which completely blows my mind 🤯

Here’s how it works:

Happy Hunting 🚀

PS If this is the first time you’ve heard of Descript, here’s a whistlestop tour


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