Take back the narrative

"Hows the market?"

I don’t like the media.

I often joke that Sandra Sully gets on the news at 5 pm and says, “Good Evening”, and then tells us why it isn’t.

I know that sounds strange when Elite Agent is a media company.

But Elite Agent is very different to the mainstream media and purposefully so - we started out with a very clear vision of being optimistic and providing our agents with a good start to the day.

“Do no harm.”

That’s not the best way to build an audience as a media company, because the more scary you get - the more shock, curiosity and, of course, clicks.

But we are not the ones to blast news about someone going to jail for trust account fraud and then pass out an award.

Nor are we ones to use terms like “dodgy agents” in our headlines (as I saw recently) because no matter what the story is about, that’s all the public sees: “dodgy agents”.

The other problem with the mainstream media is the scary headlines that consumers see about values crashing, interest rates rising, variable mortgages coming off, recession, depression, inflation, the list goes on.

Agents often complain about this, but there is only one solution: Take back the narrative.

If all the consumer sees and hears is the mainstream media that’s all they will hear. They need to hear from you.

How do you do this? One way is regular market updates via video.

Today’s Prompt of the Day

I'm a real estate agent - could you please give me a one minute video script for a market up date, but leave notes as to where I should update with my sales figures, market values, days on market and my top sale for this week.

Here’s the response:

Sure, here's a one-minute video script for a real estate market update:

"Hi everyone, [insert your name] here, your local real estate agent. I wanted to take a moment to provide you with an update on the current state of the [insert your location] real estate market.

Over the past few months, we've seen [insert any notable trends or changes in the market, such as an increase or decrease in home prices or a change in inventory levels].

As of [insert date], the median home price in [insert location] is [insert market value]. Homes in this area are spending an average of [insert days on market] days on the market.

Now, onto some exciting news – I recently closed a deal on a stunning [insert type of property, such as a condo or single-family home] in [insert location], which sold for [insert your top sale amount]. It's an excellent example of the value of real estate in this area.

If you're looking to buy or sell in [insert location], please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here to help you navigate the market and achieve your real estate goals. Thank you for tuning in, and I'll see you next time!"

Remember to insert your sales figures, market values, days on the market, and your top sale in the appropriate places in the script. Good luck with your video!

This is one of those “done is better than perfect” scripts.

Here’s what would make it 100x better:

Ok that sounds good, but could you please create me a better hook so that I can grab the attention of my followers immediately - give me at least 5 options?

Sure, here are five options for a hook that could grab the attention of your followers in a real estate market update video:

  1. "Are you curious about the current state of the [insert location] real estate market? I've got all the latest updates for you!"

  2. "Attention all homeowners and buyers in [insert location]! You don't want to miss this market update."

  3. "Breaking news! [Insert location] real estate market is experiencing a major shift – find out what it means for you."

  4. "Did you know that the median home price in [insert location] has increased by [insert percentage] in just the past [insert time period]? I'll give you all the details in this market update."

  5. "I recently closed a deal on a stunning [insert type of property] that sold for [insert top sale amount]. Want to know how this could impact your real estate goals? Stay tuned."

But I am still not 100% happy. What I’d really like is to be able to incorporate hook #1 into the script - and I would like to compare my postcode to the national figures (because your local peeps need to hear from you what is happening in your area vs national).

So a couple more prompts to round this out:

Can you please insert some placeholder dialog in the main script where I can compare the numbers in my local market to what the national data statistics are?And could you please put hook number 1 in place of the original opening paragraph.

From that, you get this:

Sure, here's the updated script with Hook 1 as the opening line:

"Are you curious about the current state of the [insert location] real estate market? I've got all the latest updates for you! Hi everyone, [insert your name] here, your local real estate agent.

Over the past few months, we've seen [insert any notable trends or changes in the market, such as an increase or decrease in home prices or a change in inventory levels].

As of [insert date], the median home price in [insert location] is [insert market value]. Homes in this area are spending an average of [insert days on market] days on the market.

Now, let's take a look at how the [insert your location] market compares to the national real estate market. According to the latest national statistics, the median home price in the US is [insert national market value], which is [insert comparison to local market value, such as higher or lower] than the median home price in [insert location].

However, when it comes to days on market, [insert location] is [insert comparison to national days on market, such as faster or slower]. Homes in this area are [insert percentage] more likely to sell within [insert days on market] days compared to the national average.

Now, onto some exciting news – I recently closed a deal on a stunning [insert type of property, such as a condo or single-family home] in [insert location], which sold for [insert your top sale amount]. It's an excellent example of the value of real estate in this area.

If you're looking to buy or sell in [insert location], please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here to help you navigate the market and achieve your real estate goals. Thank you for tuning in, and I'll see you next time!"

Remember to adjust the tone and delivery of the script to match your personal style and engage your audience. Good luck with your video!

The only thing left perhaps now is some personality, authenticity and a stronger call to action at the end - but I’ll leave that to you.

Happy Hunting 🚀


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