Success is the sum of the details

"An event is not over until everyone is tired of talking about it." - MeiMei Fox

With Elite Retreat Bali 2023 just days away, it’s all hands on deck until we get on the plane on Friday.

But, I commented to someone the other day that I have been using ChatGPT a lot for so many things to do with events that I used to do manually (and yes, many things have taken a lot less time and fewer people!).

Here are some of the ways I’ve used ChatGPT in the planning of Elite Retreat:

  1. Cutting down speaker bios to a set number of words (and proofing them)

  2. Making better session headings, proofing session descriptions

  3. Summarising speaker content into dot points

  4. Helping with EDMs and social media posts

  5. Coding help with tricky parts of the event app (Glide)

  6. Translating currency; Indonesian Rupiah to AUD, USD, NZD and PHP (yes it is truly an international affair)

  7. Translating Bahasa Indonesia and Balinese to English in order to understand our hosts and suppliers better.

I even got to the point where I took 5 and 6 and, with the help of ChatGPT, integrated them into the delegate app (see below).

In days gone by, I would have had to hire someone to build the app, and without ChatGPT, it would have taken me a whole lot longer - so for ChatGPTs help in all this, I am grateful.

In real estate, we plan - and go to - a lot of events, so that has inspired today’s a.icebreaker.

Prompt of the Day

I'm organising an event - what jobs can you do for me?

And the answer is a few things I hadn’t thought of (but definitely will in the future!)

As an AI, I can certainly assist you in many ways with your event planning. Here are some tasks I can help with:

  1. Research: I can look up venues, caterers, entertainment, and more, comparing options and providing information to help you make decisions.

  2. Scheduling: I can help you create a timeline for your event, including deadlines for tasks like sending invitations or finalising a menu.

  3. Budgeting: I can help you outline a budget, track expenses, and even provide suggestions on ways to save money.

  4. Checklist creation: I can help you create a comprehensive checklist of everything you need to do before, during, and after your event.

  5. Communication drafting: I can assist in drafting emails or other communication to vendors, attendees, or other stakeholders.

  6. Contingency planning: I can help you think through potential issues that might arise and plan for how to handle them.

  7. Event promotion: I can suggest ways to promote your events, such as social media posts or press releases.

  8. Guest management: I can help manage guest lists, including tracking RSVPs and dietary requirements.

  9. Theme and Decor Ideas: I can provide suggestions for themes, decorations, and event layout.

  10. Protocol & Etiquette guidance: Depending upon the nature of the event, I can guide you on the appropriate protocols and etiquette.

Remember, while I can provide a lot of assistance, I can't physically perform tasks or make phone calls, and I don't have access to personal data unless it's shared with me in the course of our conversation. I'm designed to respect user privacy and confidentiality.

Let me know which areas you need help with, and we can get started! 

Happy Hunting 🚀

(and for those of you coming to Elite Retreat - I can’t wait to see you all!)


or to participate.