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  • Smart Steps, Big Wins: How to Implement AI Safely in your real estate business while protecting what matters

Smart Steps, Big Wins: How to Implement AI Safely in your real estate business while protecting what matters

Get the video replay of todays 90 minute masterclass here

Thank you to everyone who attended today’s masterclass on safely implementing AI in your business.

Rather than writing paragraphs summarising the class, I’ve instead taken the Elevate Podcast approach and provided 10 reasons or things that will make this replay worth your time:

1. Identifying four universal currencies of real estate and how AI can amplify them all.

It's at the 6-minute mark.

2. Why exploring and playing with AI tools is essential for understanding their potential.

It's at the 16-minute mark.

3. How to identify high-impact areas in your business where AI can make the biggest difference.

It's at the 22-minute mark.

4. The importance of establishing ethics guidelines for AI use in your agency.

It's at the 26-minute mark.

5. Why continuous education and having an AI champion is a good way to enter the AI world strategically.

It's at the 31-minute mark.

6. The risks of not implementing AI safely - and how plan to mitigate them

It's at the 34-minute mark.

7. Why you should have an AI policy for your real estate business - and what to include in it.

It's at the 36-minute mark.

8. What is the real ROI of implementing AI in your business?

It's at the 41-minute mark.

9. Why the "human in the loop" approach is non-negotiable when using AI in real estate.

It's at the 44-minute mark.

10. How to stay ahead of the curve and create new opportunities with AI.

It's at the 47-minute mark.

I'm also excited to announce that we will be returning to the road with AI-powered agents in the second half of 2024. Spots are now open in an exclusive pre-sale (we sold out last year).

So, as an AI Powered Agents Subscriber, we are giving you the opportunity to go to the front of the queue with a sweet offer for:

  • In-person workshops (including regional locations)

  • 6-week virtual course starting August 29th

  • A self-paced option if you prefer to “go it alone”

Plus, if you sign up during the pre-sale period, you'll receive these bonuses for FREE (they will be $197 once we go to ):

  • VIP session to help you build your customised coach bot, which can help you with marketing, team building, negotiating and more.

  • 30-day social media sprint (think Transform but different!)

To check out the locations and dates, as well as the pre-sale offer, click here.

If you have any questions about the course or implementing AI in your business, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Happy Hunting 🚀

PS If you’ve previously taken the course or the virtual, look for a special email from me with a coupon code tomorrow.

PPS If you don’t have the action guide, you can download it here.

The AI Action Plan (Real Estate)Unlock the power of generative AI in real estate with this 12-step action plan. Learn how to increase productivity, optimise workflows, and leverage AI tools while protecting your business, clients, and reputation. Discover practical strategies to implement AI safely and effectively, boosting your success in time, information, energy, and resources.5.81 MB • PDF File


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