Press to success - the real estate chatGPT edition

"The power of a press release lies in its ability to transform information into news and capture the imagination of journalists." - Unknown

Earned media coverage can be a really amazing thing for your brand if you know how to create the win-win relationships needed to get it.

Either way, the gateway to capturing the imagination of a harassed editor or busy journalist is often the humble press release.

I won’t go into how to increase your chances of getting published today (maybe a topic for tomorrow!) today is simply about getting some basic words on paper.

If you are not familiar with writing a presser, your friend ChatGPT is here to help.

Today’s Prompt of the Day

This is a made-up story, but by publishing it, I am almost trying to force the concept into existence…

The prompt is a long one with a few variables, but you can basically replace the square brackets with any information - the key things are remembering the what, where, when, why, who and how of press releases.

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