Making mis-gif

Here is yet another way to put yourself 'in the picture'

It’s been a while since I posted something entirely just for fun, so today's the day.

Everyone loves a good GIF; I’ve been using them in The Brief since it started ten years ago, and here’s why:

  1. There’s nothing like a gif for instantly conveying an emotion, a reaction or some nuance that neither text nor emoji can…

  1. In an era of information overload, gifs communicate ideas or feelings quickly and effectively, like, for example, when someone makes a huge gaffe on social media…

  1. Last - but definitely not least - gifs are a great way to get pop culture references into the dryest subject matter - I can remember this GIF had a huge workout in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic…

Tool of the day: Misgif

The folks from Tenor GIF have decided to make AI fun to “bring personalisation, creativity and surprise into your group chats”.

Basically, what Misgif (get it?!) does is replace any GIF with someone else’s face, literally putting you in the picture.

I always see my husband as a bit of a real-life superhero, so I thought I would start by turning him into one for real.

I combined the above GIF of Ironman with Mark’s face, and I got this:

As for me, I’ve always wondered about whether red hair would suit me or not…

Somehow, I don’t think it would look quite like this IRL….

All you need to do is choose a GIF on the Misgif site and then upload a photo.

A couple of tips - it does help to choose a GIF with a clear face that is not too distant - and to have a clear photo of your own face to work with.

Happy Giffing 🚀


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