How to evaluate SEO keywords for success

"You can’t just ‘SEO’ your website and be done. It’s a forever moving goal post." – Stoney deGeyter

In yesterday’s post, “Double your brain-power”, - one of my suggestions was some new year brainstorming of SEO keywords for your website or blog (among other things!).

I ended the blog post with ‘Let me know how you go,’ and happily, some of you did (thank you; it’s always nice to know people are taking action!)

So I thought what I would do today is continue this topic because it’s not enough to just get ideas; you actually need to do some things with these ideas:

  1. You need to evaluate how much search traffic there is for that keyword

  2. You need to evaluate the competition for the keyword online to see if you can beat it, and

  3. You need to create content around it that will beat anything already there.

So I’ll deal with points 1 and 2 today and point 3 tomorrow with one disclaimer: There are many ways you can go about these activities using free tools - right the way through to using tools that are super expensive.

The tool I will show you today has a free trial, but for full disclosure, I use the paid version (which is way simpler to use than some of the more expensive and elaborate tools out there!).

It’s also super powerful.

Tool of the Day: Low Fruits

Low Fruits is not necessarily an ‘AI’ tool - (we will get more into the writing with AI bit tomorrow!)

Here’s a quick video explaining how Low Fruits can give you keyword ideas.

Obviously, we can use our AI prompt from yesterday to give us even more keyword ideas, so I generated some ideas around AI and real estate with Google Bard and hit the import button, as you can see in the image below:

Looking at this list my content priority is probably, “Can AI replace real estate agents” - (is that what you are all searching for?!)

Spoiler alert: AI will replace some things but not everything, and a real estate agent with AI will beat a real estate agent without AI every time.

Note that even though the search volumes for this keyphrase are quite low at this point, it does not mean it won’t change over time (which is why the quote about SEO being about moving goal posts!)

Tomorrow - stay tuned - we take this inspiration to create some content.

Happy (keyword) hunting 🚀


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