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  • How to Create 100 Video Content Ideas for Real Estate Using ChatGPT

How to Create 100 Video Content Ideas for Real Estate Using ChatGPT

This tip shows you how to create content loved by customers - and the algorithms!

It's hard to believe it, but we are one week away from finishing our first AI-Powered Agents Live program.

This week, we had an epic, almost two-hour session with tips and practical use cases for real estate agents on using open home feedback to handle objections, quickly creating a newsletter, converting file formats, creating GPTs, and much, much more.

I thought you might find this snippet of the session useful - it provides a step-by-step guide on how real estate agents can leverage ChatGPT with Marcus Sheridan's content marketing framework to create engaging and informative video content that captures the attention of their intended customers.

And best of all, it does it fast!

We will be kicking off another AI-Powered Agents cohort soon, so if you are keen to absorb everything AI has to offer and easily differentiate yourself from the competition, you can join the wait list for the next round here.

Here are the video time codes:

  • 00:00 - Introduction to creating video content for real estate agents

  • 00:30 - Overview of Marcus Sheridan's "They Ask You Answer" and the "Big Five" categories

  • 01:40 - Using ChatGPT to generate a list of 100 questions based on the "Big Five"

  • 02:53 - Selecting a question and using ChatGPT's new "reply" feature to create a video script

  • 04:18 - Improving the video script by adding catchy hooks and a strong call to action

  • 05:32 - Using the "Hook Master" GPT tool to generate attention-grabbing headlines

  • 06:08 - Recap and conclusion

Enjoy the video, and happy hunting 🚀


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