Coming soon: Deeper dives and workflows for paid subscribers

Join me live once a month for a 45 minute workshop

Hey everyone! Happy Friday =)

Obviously, it’s me, Sam, here, even though you probably know that because I think AI Powered Agents is still one of the new newsletters about AI that is actually written by a human. For real!

So firstly, thank you for subscribing - particularly if you are new here. There’s been a recent uptick in both free and paid subscribers and this growth is more than just numbers to me - it means I can justify dedicating more time to the topics I love: marketing, AI and real estate (although not necessarily in that order!)

To that end, a couple of people have suggested to me to do what I’ve wanted to do for a while: monthly workshops for paid subscribers. 

While I will keep going with a prompt or a tool per day, what I’d really love to do is go for some deeper dives into longer workflows using AI: SEO, Longer content creation, Newsletters, Leadgen, Paid ads and more.

Starting next month, exclusive to paying subscribers, I’ll be doing just that - so circle the 20th of October at 12pm Sydney time for the first one.

  • If you’re there live, bring your questions and get ready to roll your sleeves up.

  • If you can’t be there live, yes, there will be replays. But seriously, be there live if you can; you’ll get so much more out of it.

So, if you’ve been getting heaps of value from my posts, now’s the time to get onto that premium subscription. Doing a live webinar each month is a pretty big commitment, which takes a fair bit of prep, so once we kick off these monthly workshops, I will be putting the subscriber price up (it’s only fair, right!?).

To go premium now before the price rise 👉🏻 click here

If you don’t want to go premium but still enjoy my posts, I would love you to be the leader and spread the word about AI Powered Agents with your colleagues and throughout your networks. Every new subscriber helps me keep the quality high here for everyone, and that means you, too (and you get gifts, did you know?)

That’s it from me for today, other than an oil painting of a cat that kind of looks like my cat, Lexi. On hearing about the release of Dalle 3, I decided to have a play.

Thank you once again for being part of this journey. Here's to many more enlightening discussions and discoveries in the world of AI and real estate.

PS If you are a paid subscriber, thank you - there is nothing to do. I’ll email you the Zoom details next week if you're on the list, and I hope to see you on 20 October.


or to participate.