Chat to an image in ChatGPT - the real estate edition

If an image can speak a thousand words, how much can ChatGPT tell you about your image?

We knew it was coming, and this morning, it was available - the ability to chat to an image in ChatGPT-4.

Prompt of the day

I'm a real estate agent and love the idea of uploading and ‘chatting to images’. What types of images should I upload and ask about to supercharge myself against my competition?

I see so many real estate use cases for this one - so I won’t paste the answer here because I imagine everyone’s will be wildly different.

What I did do, though, is a quick run around the house to snap some photos, and I’ve made a video so you can get a feel for what this functionality can do:

My photos are:

  • Broadbeach Waters' recent sales (for analysis)

  • An unrenovated bathroom

  • An unusual cupboard

  • A magazine (trying to see if ChatGPT can gauge distance)

  • Some biscuits (because it’s morning tea time!)

Here are the results:

Happy Hunting 🚀

PS There is a video I mentioned re the disappearing computer 🤯

PPS Dalle-3 image generation was also available this morning, so I will make a video shortly, too! Meanwhile, here is my offering of a robot chatting to Mona Lisa


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