Can you teach ChatGPT to write in your style?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Or is it?

If you’ve been hanging out with me for a bit, you’ll already understand the rise of free and easy-to-use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, is reshaping (at speed) our world as consumers and our businesses as we know them.

While we mostly talk about real estate on this blog, it’s usually publishing (ie our business) that gets disrupted way earlier - ie it wasn’t too long ago that all the newspapers and magazines scratched their heads and wondered what to do about a thing called the Internet, and whether or not it was here to stay.

I believed in the internet back then.

I believe in AI now. 

And, I’ve been thinking about pretty much nothing else since Christmas last year, knowing that change would rapidly come to our own business.

A couple of weeks ago, I was not too surprised by a Sydney agency writing the copywriter’s career obituary just recently.

And more recently, this story about how Germany’s best-selling newspaper Bild is to replace editors with AI as it cuts jobs.

Now some of you might be sitting there saying, but ChatGPT can’t write like me.

I would argue that’s not true.

Because you can train it to write like you.

Or me.

Today’s Prompt of the Day

What we’re going to do is teach ChatGPT how to write in a particular style or tone of voice. In this case mine.

The base prompt is here:

Analyse the following text for style and tone of voice. Apply that exact style and tone of voice to all your future responses [paste text]

For a real example, I’ve used one of my most recent stories on about my PAIRS acronym for future-proofing. So my exact prompt is here:

Analyse the following text for style and tone of voice. Apply that exact style and tone of voice to all your future responses

From this, ChatGPT tells me all about what it thinks my writing style is:

The style and tone of the text from the article "Balancing AI and Humanity in real estate: The PAIRS Pathway to Success" can be characterized as follows:

  1. Informal and Conversational: The author uses an informal and conversational tone, frequently using first-person language ("I") and addressing the reader directly ("you"). This creates a sense of personal connection and allows for a more engaging discussion. Phrases like "This might surprise you", "let's stare into the crystal ball", and "Not so fast" demonstrate this informal, personable tone.

  2. Insightful and Reflective: The author consistently presents thoughtful insights and reflections on the topic at hand. They provide a clear perspective, grounded in their own thinking and experiences, and share this in an open and reflective manner. For example, the author mentions they've been thinking about the impact of AI since Christmas last year and how they've been putting serious human processing time into understanding how businesses can adapt.

  3. Predictive and Forward-Thinking: The text is future-oriented, with the author frequently making predictions about what might happen in the real estate industry, especially in relation to artificial intelligence (AI). The author uses phrases like "will fundamentally reshape our world" and "which will require different skills and approaches from all of us" to emphasize their forward-thinking perspective.

  4. Casual Humor: There's a touch of casual humour in the text, with the author using phrases like "faster than an unwanted sniffle spreads at a sausage sizzle" and "we're all heaps more efficient now, so are we winning overall?" to lighten the mood and make the content more engaging.

  5. Educational and Informative: The author provides a lot of information and insights to the reader, often in the form of bullet points or lists, making the content easy to digest and understand. For example, the author lists potential future outcomes for the real estate industry due to AI, and also mentions several posts they've written on related topics.

  6. Use of Rhetorical Questions: The author frequently poses rhetorical questions to the reader to provoke thought and engage them in the discussion, such as "Do good things come in PAIRS?" and "Not so fast".

  7. Use of Acronyms and Analogies: The author uses acronyms like PAIRS and analogies like "the blue pill from The Matrix" to explain complex concepts in a simple, memorable way.​

So, to mimic this style and tone in my responses, I would maintain a conversational and informal tone, while providing thoughtful insights and forward-looking predictions. I'd also include elements of casual humour, ensure the information is educational and well-structured, and make use of rhetorical questions, acronyms, and analogies where appropriate.

Ok, so my writing style could be considered quite complex, but what we are going to do now is give ChatGPT a job.

I have a home listed for sale xxx Rio Vista Boulevarde, Broadbeach Waters. I would like to invite the neighbours to the open home. Could you please write me a short letter inviting them using this exact style and tone.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering, did ChatGPT get it right?

The answer is no, but it is a lot less boring than a most invite to Open Home letters I’ve seen - and it’s a hella good first draft.

But before we get to that, let’s check out what the result was when we didn’t give ChatGPT any training on tone or style.

I have a home listed for sale in xxx Rio Vista Boulevarde, Broadbeach Waters. I would like to invite the neighbours to the open home. Could you please write me a short letter inviting them ?

Dear Neighbor,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that my house, located at [Your Full Address], is currently listed for sale.

In light of this, we will be hosting an open house and I would be delighted if you could join us. It's a wonderful opportunity to explore the house, and who knows, you might know someone who is in the market for a new home. This could also be a chance for us to get to know each other better and strengthen our community bonds.

The open house will take place on [Date and Time of the Open House]. Refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome to attend.

Please do not hesitate to bring along any family, friends, or acquaintances who might be interested in this opportunity. It would be a pleasure to meet them and show them around.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hopefully seeing you at the open house.

Warm regards,

I hope you’re well 🤢 (worst hook ever, after this, everything just sounds like blah blah blah….)

Here’s the version where I asked ChatGPT to use my style and tone:

Hi there,

I've got some news! You know the charming property over at xxx Rio Vista Boulevard? Yep, the one that's been catching everyone's eyes recently? Well, it's stepping into the limelight – it's listed for sale and we're throwing an open home!

Now, you might be thinking, "Why should I, a happy resident, not thinking of moving, pop by an open home?" Well, I'm glad you asked! It's not just about the free coffee and biscuits, though we both know that's a sweet bonus.

It's about community, my friend! It's about knowing your neighbourhood like the back of your hand, meeting potential new neighbours, and hey, who knows, you might even pick up a decorating tip or two.

The open home is happening this coming weekend. It's fast, it's fun, and it's the perfect opportunity to see what's happening in your own backyard. So, come on down, bring a neighbour, bring your curiosity, and let us show you some Broadbeach Waters hospitality!

See you there? I'm hoping that's a big, resounding "Yes!"

Best, [Your Name]

Does it sound like me?

I’ll let you be the judge.

Leave me a comment so I know someone’s reading this…

Happy Hunting 🚀


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