19 ways real estate agents can save time with ChatGPT

If you're new here, welcome. Here's what you might have missed...

The real estate industry is really starting to think about the possibilities for ChatGPT and what it can do.

And with good reason - there are so many time-saving things you can work on.

Everything from writing emails and letters, to improving your SEO, building your empire, hiring people and more.

And the list is growing rapidly exploding.

If you are new here - welcome and thank you for subscribing, here’s a quick list of some of my most popular prompts so far that you might want to test, try, tweak etc.

  1. Questions to ask PMs in a job interview

  2. How to make ChatGPT more (or less) creative

  3. Write a listing description

  4. Create video titles like Gary Vee

  5. Stalk what's working for your competition

  6. Creating prompts to shortcut your marketing

  7. Creating a market update report

  8. Chat to a PDF or market report

  9. Leadership tips from Ted Lasso

  10. Customer research - what your customer is really thinking and how to use it

  11. Creating lead magnets to build your email list

  12. Improve your Local SEO

  13. Summarise any video on Youtube

  14. Write an FAQ Section for your website

  15. Get your clone to make your videos

  16. A coach in your pocket

  17. Hire Don Draper to write your listing copy

  18. Get up to speed with any expert lingo

  19. Create some social media memes

I’m adding to these daily - a prompt or a tool that can hopefully help you save time or money or both (and used correctly, they will).

But while you can save a heap of time with tools like ChatGPT, I believe 100 per cent the agent to ‘win’ real estate in any local area against their competitors will be the person (or business) that spends the time they save wisely.

So, here’s how to win real estate with ChatGPT:→ Save time writing emails and letters→ Spend that time making the 1:1 phone calls *→ Save time creating content for social media→ Spend that time engaging with your customer's content→ Save time writing listing descriptions→ Spend that time solving your customer's struggles→ Save time on competitor research→ Spend that time crafting and refining your own USP→ Save time on proofreading→ Spend that time putting more customer focus into campaigns→ Save time writing job descriptions→ Spend that time in productive 1:1s with your people→ Save time absorbing videos and educational content→ Spend that time networking face to face→ Save time writing press releases→ Spend that time creating an impact on the community

*before you hit send on that letter or email!Happy Hunting 🚀


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